2005-11-24 - 7:44 a.m.

"and ineb, just what are you doing up this early?"

well...i'm ...still up, this early...er late.

i know. just when i make announcements in therapy about how calm and borring i am i go and stay out like a teenager.

but he was cute. and we only kissed. a lot. but we all layed around my place afterhours and ate broccoli, smoked, talked about meaning and fate and listened to the beta band. and i did it for the team really, as the guys were originally from ohio! jumbly.

well now that's something to go to bed with the guys number scrolled across your arm. after our kiss session he told. told me that i was the first person he's kissed in six yrs. hellloww?

was in something with someone for many years.

just broke up ... three months ago.

so then. but really i was amorous with this devil with blue eyes. god damn. he hit home in a primal way. but he kept looking at my friends body too....hmmmm.. drunkard.

damn. we have projects today and now i have to go nap :*(