2005-11-08 - 11:40 a.m.

well now. i'm slightly stressed. and are you surprised?

and i'm shaking.

shoulda' ordered decaf.

spoke with the boss who oversee's the major project and she wasn't happy. could hear it. so i had to promise a lot. and now i have to deliver. asap. which brings me to my knees. and i'm pissed off cuz my computer guy insists on coming here today and working/flirting..he's a great guy and a great help, but i'm under such duress, i just can't take one person taking one minute, moreless seven hours. which is the typical stay. i'm going to have to leave. i should cancel. but i also need the networking done. jezuz. jezuz. so much cofffee bad idea.

also, wanted to let you know. my hair has reached epic greese proportions. and i have no plans to do anything about it.

but i did vote. ya know i wore the exact same shirt on the last vote. i just remember. the sticker.

if ever there was a time i needed encouragement. it's this week. :*) do you like my subtle hint? :*)