2005-09-24 - 11:50 p.m.

absolutely french.

so my two french guy friends and i go to the shining outdoor film showing at the cemetary and there are hundreds of people. they stopped letting people in. there were a team of people out in front who gave up, camped out and set up picnics in the grass. we drug our one friend who did make it in, back out, as he had the food and we did a picnic.

which was way better as we got to hang and talk. who does that in lala. there was a gang of efervescent people ready to play. people started playing duck duck goose and red rover red rover. my friends kept asking, "what is this?" in their accent. i love getting guys to divoludge. once they do, you learn more than you *ever* want to know. i asked the last time they each had sex. no one of them fronts, and little did i know, he's got a lady he met this summer that he super digs. french. wants to move her out. no one would know.

then we were talking about htis one beautiful girl who sat on my lap one night and was awfully flirty. and when she sat on, i got nervous and left. but she's simply beautiful. that night my friend made out with her, but he said she's much more into girls. fully. and it jsut so happens her friend is having a party tomorrow after the street fest. trouble?


time for it.

we'll see.

i need to work.

i need to stay on the up. no time for petty divergencies.

today was perhaps the nicest day i've had in gads. the massage was the best ever and then her and i stayed and talked for hours. not a care on my mind, finally! then i went and had french night in the park. all on euro time. not productive gone mad time.

very needed in my soul.
