2004-12-07 - 4:10 p.m.

inventory of accomplishments today:

morning sex.

coffee. lunch.

wrote one small thing i needed to for a project and turned it in (hardly a nick in my mountain of to-dos).

wrote an immense amount of emails that amounted to nothing but excessive conversating.

shit i do believe that is it.

i went to an event last night and had a late night burst of energy with don j. and so i'm froth with guilt and bad self punishment for my lack of productivity. fecundity i believe.

and now i'm tired and need to drive up the coast for two clients and i would do anything to skip it. i want to just turn in my chips today. and i have a deadline for a proposal to a friends company by tonight. and that responsibility is competing for life space with my desire to take don j. hostage and be with him all night in a cavernous emotional dwelling and admit no strangers.

i think in therapy this week we will be lambasting me for my lack of what's the word...oh yes...discipline.