2004-09-28 - 12:29 p.m.

arg. i'm having a freekout moment.

and i'm late and have to jet.

i had a great couple of days. took a day off finally. got sick.

but here's the thing, that guy i like, it challenges me TOO much. it really trips me out. i'm not at all up for it and i feel like cowering away. not to mention, i'm sure he's not ready, as why would i pick anyone who is both a solid person who also wants to cojoin with a fellow?

i'm feeling panicked, it was spawned by some specifics i'll get into later and it has to do with this weekend. i need to go to my sweat lodge this weekend. i need solice. i don't know who i'll bring. anyway i have to work all fuckin day and all i want to do is stay in bed and get over this cold.