2004-08-04 - 3:00 a.m.

holy shit why am i still up?

The quote from East of Eden, by John Steinbeck:

Once in a while there is a man who won't do what is demanded of him, and do you know what happens? The whole machine devotes itself coldly to the destruction of his difference. They'll beat your spirit and your nerves, your body and your mind, with iron rods until the dangerous difference goes out of you. And if you can't finally give in, they'll vomit you up and leave you stinking outside- neither part of themselves nor yet free. It's better to fall in with them. They only do it to protect themselves. A thing so triumphantly illogical, so beautifully senseless as a military* can't allow a question to weaken it.

*I substituted military for Steinbecks army.