2004-07-19 - 4:14 p.m.

laughing out loud on this one


NEWSWEEK reports that President Bush, appearing before a

right-to-life rally in Tampa, Florida on June 17, stated:

"We must always remember that all human beings begin life as a feces. A feces is a living

being in the eyes of God, who has endowed that feces with all of the

rights and God-given blessings of any other human being." The audience listened in disbelief as the President repeated his error at least a dozen times, before realizing that he had used the word 'feces" when he meant to say "fetus."


i think it's appropriate to say..."shit" for brains!

i have a head cold and just want to sleep under the duress of my pile of "to-do."

i was thinking of the "situation" from nyc and i was recalling the caught up romance and magic and how this young fella wants to come out here now and how easily it was for me to cut all emotions off upon landing back in my own city. i'm wondering if i'm even capable of falling in love again. i think i'm too much of a pure cynic. and i'm so picky. so there's that.

i'm going to a music show tonight. should be delightful. i never feel like i get enough done. never ever ever.

ps. i went to a kerry funraising party.

pss. i'm reading herman hesse's 'demian'. it's an interesting book. i'm still reeling over murakami's "norweigan wood". that fuckin book was like a fufilling meal with a savory taste that stays on your tongue long after digested.

psss. i'm freeking out. i turn 29 soon, very soon, in fact i completely spaced out, that it was oncoming like a four by four with it's high beams suddenly blinding my fuckin eyes. i don't want to be such a late twenties. i don't want to be closer to 30, what will come of all my 23 year old boy shenanigan's??? i feel like at 30 i'm not allowed in the playroom anymore. all the hipster joints full of early twenties. and yet i don't feel any different then them. but i'm almost 30 now!! and i've had all this lasting mystery about 29 since i was little. i held belief's that i'd marry at that age and that everything would suddenly fit together and as i draw near, the only thing coagulating is my fuckin panic.
