2004-07-09 - 5:39 p.m.

bought the ticket, finished some reworking of the project and i actually feel good about it. i'm just now wondering what the catch is. and it's beautiful beach weather, of which i've been missing all summer because of these deadlines.

my brother is coming out tomorrow night and he wants to surf and beach it all day sunday which made me panic. i just having been taking lax days like that, i don't know what i'll do. i'm excited to see him. i'm taking in around town sat night and sunday night we're doing ritual six feet under at lizards. somewhere in there i've got loads of work, cleaning, and packing to do.

right now it feels like no amount of caffeination will motivate me to clean up my fuckin apartment. i have to...i have all night to do it.

here's what's amusing, i have my step brother i could stay with in nyc, but i'm too stubbborn to ask. i'd rather hemorrage money that ask for help.

fuck. i've got to clean. what were those days like that i was social and sexually active? it's been so very long, i've nearly forgotten. what an anti-summer.