2004-04-17 - 5:01 p.m.

so here's the real question. should you just believe someone you have unprotected sex with that they are "okay"?

i'm having a bit of a heart attack over the additionally odd evening i had.

i swear there's a book to come of all of this. the adventures fly by with so many details and sub stories that i don't think i could ever retain or write them down.

so i went to my very wealthy friends party. when this new guy friend, insanely hip stylist and two young male models en tow arrive. we do a little poolside photo shoot with my line with lizard and boys. it was delish. then we are about to jet and can't find my keys. i have the whole party, half jacked on coke, looking for said key's in a coke-determined way. they are no where. i make out with the most amazing looking young male model. he's seriously a charm. i can't describe. just what america paints a dream to seem. from miami. via la, through nyc and every other posh city in the entire world. he's been everywhere. which leads me to my current paranoia over my health and our trist over the last twelve.

back up.

party...key finding.

i tell my female friend whose bday it is that her gift is one of the 23 yr olds. and i've never made out with her. she's a client and a very good friend. and she's very into women. but i didn't want to cross the line then have to go back. i've always kept it clean and simple.

but i grabbed, let's call him "miami" the hottest young man in the world, and her and totted them into a room.

i just started moving the three of us all in and lizard walked in pissed, waiting for me who was supposed to be looking for my keys.

**hold i've gotta go work"" be back soon