2001-05-15 - 9:13 p.m.

Things that I like right now.

Long walks.

Classic rock ei. �She�ll be all night long.� Now I never really liked this music when it was popular but now I�m drunk in it. I love it. I want to have sex to it. Or as Everclear would say, �A slow fuck in the afternoon�.



I am putting an ultimate goal into effect. It involves one Vanessa and one Ernie. You may hear more about it, but I want to remain hush, until I actually do it.

I went on a great walk tonight (It�s suggested in this creativity workshop I�m doing to take a walk a day). It really got me out of my house and head. Cuz since being with this man last night I�ve started feeling like I want something. Flesh, sugar, TV. Something to consume me. The walk soothed me. I ran into a beautiful young rottweiler that kissed me and said hello. I ran into some acquaintances on the beach. On this disturbingly quiet night by the beach I can hear the somba of a pickup�s music, the shuffle of a runners sneakers on the concrete. The waves were like putty, rolling slowly in. I called my dad thousands of miles away and put the sounds of the waves on his answering machine, so that he could share that moment with me. Twilight is the oddest, most sublime time. I love it.

My two friends had so many things wrapped around themselves. They keep their whole world with them, piled high on their cart, their moveable life. When I walked up, he was buried in a encylopically large, tattered book. She with her bright blond, displaced locks standing silently by. I asked how he was, he immediately went into a monologue about how he�s reading the bible and how he wants to start a group like the Mennonites, or something like Jesus. He said most people thinks he�s crazy and they don�t listen, but that�s what he truly wants to do. I believe him. She told me she has a tooth problem. The air was warm, he was covered in layers of clothes, topped off with a army green rain coat. I walked back into my apartment thinking of them and how they remain out there, sleeping in the warmth, with the sounds of the ocean, their body�s on a hard concrete ground. I will later snuggle up in my white down comforter, my two black cats teasing and the responsibility on my back, sifting away as I fall into sleep.

Watching the ocean slowly pulsate, I became overwhelmed by my simple little life.