2001-05-09 - 9:30 a.m.

tip o' the day: be kind to strangers, you never know what kind of day they've had.

And you never know what you might say to change a persons life. Some small thing. I remember when I was 16, lost in all ways, sobbing in my car and some random stranger in another car gave me the thumbs up sign and I still remember that act of humaness and love.

So works been funny....

the other day there was one of the worlds best hypnotists in for one of our shows and he said he can bring someone under w/out them even knowing. so i was afraid to even look at him. but i desperately wanted to be brought under. he can plant subliminal messages in your head that work on deep levels. like, stop eating potato chips. stop smoking. but when i thought of it, there was nothing major i wanted to have change. except maybe, hey luke BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!

then i found out why the loud obnoxious laugher chic is really here. cuz the owner used to sleep w/ women like that during the lunch hours at the local motel, and although now he's too old to carry on like that , he wants to keep her around just for those old kicks. oooo. cuz she has no experience and is paid more than one of her higher ups.

yes! yes the world really works like that.

all of the male owners of these particular type of tv co's operate like that. crazy men who like affairs, and to varying degree's, drinking and gambling. no wonder tv is so unethical, look whose running the shows!

i want to hang jeff klinkifoose by the balls. when i was in 9th grade he said that pms is imaginary, made up in the head. scuza me fuck nut? i did not fucking imagine 20lbs. of red, raw blood streaming out of my body on monday. i didn't imagine the enormous headache that sucked all of my personality out of me, even after popping three asprins. hello jeff. men couldn't handle a day of menstruation. sweetheart take a back seat cuz i beat you on the rocks.

Luke, what are you talking about? well klinkifoose and i got in large arguements about women's place in the world. he spouted out that women are second rate humans and that men are better at everything, including the only thing women are good at which is cooking, men are the best chefs in the world. now god damn the educational system for not teaching me about my powerful sisters who have made huge marks on the world, cuz i had nothing to say back. so all i could do was get in a fight to the ground, stuffing dirt in his face as he tried to stick me in a 4 foot deep hole we were digging on a farm. (we were on some sick farm field trip). but we did this rock climbing and repelling thing and he and i were both at the top about to repell down and noodle legs and all i kicked his ass. I waitiing on solid ground while he was still terrified on the rocks. fuck you fuck nut, see women are what? what klink? i think the deep fear is that we are stronger, smarter and deeper. we have to be, we are made to bare children which makes us inherently stronger. and that is the greatest fear of a klink. he smothered me with words of men who are better and i didn't know any better.

but klink, now i know. i know lists and oodles of my sister friends who are doctors, lawyers, secretary of states, presidents of companys and countrys! inventors and artists who have revolutionized the world, started from the begining of this crazy thing called humanity.

like the soothing, jack daniels sounds of etta james

revolutionary, impressionist painter mary cassatt

heartflet, german artist kathe kollwitz

camille claudel (of whom my cat is named after), who lived under the shadow of roudin even though she was the force behind the most famous sculptures in the world today (her life ended in an alcoholic suicide)


priestess of the Moon Goddess (circa 2354 BCE)

Hers is the first female name recorded in technical history. She was the daughter of Sargon (of Akkad) who established the Sargonian Dynasty in Babylon some 4000 or so years ago. He appointed her the chief priestess of the moon goddess of the city. This was a position of great power and prestige.

Amelia Earhart,

or anti-pollution inventor Mary Walton

Margaret Knight of Boston (1838-1914) is credited with about 90 inventions and 22 patents,

Joan of Arc, 1400's who lead the most fearless army into a battle in which men fled from fear of her,

480BC- Artemisia, governed and commanded a fleet against the Greeks,

and then there's all of our modern day mama's (please contribute your favorites to the list on the g-book ad infinitum). there's maya angelou, madeline albright, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, hillary clinton, ani defranco, toni morrison, gloria steinem, jane pauley, oprah, ANITA RODDICK, sherry lansing and on and fuckin on sister friends....

babies, don't ever let a man tell you that women are second rate citizens. I'm sorry that I didn't have the right info at the time, but now we both do. Information is power.

cheers, l