2001-05-04 - 9:24 a.m.

Tip of the day: When your cock is in a fight, you have two choices, place your wager and let'er rip, or walk away the bigger cock.

Lemme tell ya's a lill story.

"Cock Fights on Berry Road"

My mom has this look in her eye, it's like peeking into a secret, and seeing the very edge of someone. She was the prom queen. Beautiful. But every now and then, and if your her daughter more often than not, you'll see this glint of madness, of unleashed anger, of tightly bound energy. I saw this when she'd snap and we'd get in physical fights, tossing eachother on the bed, me with hand marks left on my young skin. I saw this when she'd check out and loose herself to the world. Go somewhere far away and answer in short sighted syllables to passify you.

When we were all young life encapsulated this caotic magic. When she was my age, she already had two kids, long, light brown hippy hair and she made homemade bread. She fought fights of ideals.

One night I was really sad about something. This snap in her eye occured, but in an insane, vivacious way. She instructed for me to join her in throwing on a plethera of winter coats, goofy hats, goggles and off we went, marching around the picket fenced sleepy neighborhood, singing "we march to the beat of a different drum" ourselves covered in ridiculous clothing.

Come to think of it, we just weren't normal in this suburbia, wonder-bred world. My dad insisted that we keep chickens because he secretly wanted to have a ranch. So why not just have a mini damn ranch in the burb's? One day the chickens all got out and my whole family had to chase the chic's from other's yards under their watching eyes of judgement.

I rarely had friends over. The chickens, the house falling apart from the inside, the fighting parents arguing like two stubborn cocks, and inbetween that, the uproarious sex sessions my ears would have to shamefully endure.

These memories flooded into me as I drove 100 mph on the most open freeway to work and the song, 'we dance to the beat of a different drum' came on. Thank god for open road and fast fuckin cars.

cheers. l