2001-04-13 - 7:50 a.m.

tip o' the day: do something ridiculous today. something for no reason, but that it may squeeze an elated giggle out of you. blast your music and car dance, fart at work and try to get away with it, do anything naked.

goood mornin darlin.

it's that kind of morning. the kind that i got up and found myself dancing naked thro my apartment to the morning oldies funk tunes wafting thro the tired air. it's the kiind that even this shit whole place of work can't touch my 'tud. maybe its cuz its my last day here and my inner child in rejoicing something fierce.

unfortunately what that means on the other side is that come monday, i don't have a means of supportiing myself. ouch. but that's monday. monday i may have a new interview. today is friday!

it is the day that required rap on the way to work while i ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwiche, me donned in my favorite homemade rock star t-shirt with faded blue orange and red. now i'm rocking my happy head to the beastie boys.

i'm also very happy about the fantasy of ripe and i going thelma and louise style ala baja hecho en mexico de feee.. yeah, drive fast and fierce down south, and stop when there is a reason to.

i want to take photo's, write a screenplay, run around streets naked, drive fast with loud music and play obnoxious, competitive car games like 'piggy': whoever oinks first when they see a pig on wheels gets a point. i feel like meditating on foreign soil. i feel like doing nothing but sleeping on the sand. i feel like getting lost in my thoughts and trusting that i willl have a job at some point when i get back. that life is always here waiting. bills and bullshit.

now the only topper offer to thiis day would be ending it with my fanny getting a little spanking. and lucky me i have a party tonight and crackasia's dance performance to go enjoy and mix it up and try to get into trouble.

much cheers as this feeling like all others will fill me, pass along and another will inhabit me. intoxicate. inebriate.