2001-03-27 - 02:12 p.m.now

Torch the bunny.

I was in line at Sav on's buying foot in-souls, mascara, cold soar medicine, and hair clippers, when I saw them.

Immense cotton candy colored Easter bunnies. Yum yum. And as a tribute, albiet sick, to the fact that I hate Easter something fierce, I thought of doing a photo series of this baby blue bunny up in flames, hot red, scorching, leaving black soot.

What folks must of thought of me as I talked lovingly to my big bunny, aassuming I'd buy it for a kid sister or boyfriend, but i soothed it w/ words like 'your gonna burn lill bun bun' while pocking his plastic pink nose.

this is the life that has become an entertaining one. SAd? u be the judge.


click on who's your daddy. that is a demo on how i dance. move my groove.

now i've got bunny hair all over my black turtleneck, evidence of the capture.

LA= the other night i drove from burbank to beverly hills to accompany stinky to a friends birthday dinner. the place we were going to used to be a brothel in LA. it was a french place, where you took a viney road up to. i forgot my party at a formerly brothel house clothes. instead of braviing and raging against traffic another hour, i rushed to the mall to spend money i dont' have. i'd rather run through the commercial fire and throw on whatever i could get for under a big bill and be out then drive again in LA. that is a smogcheck.

i was at a support me for not drinking mtg and this woman shared about the fact that she's finally coming outof her darkness and when she thought of drinking that night and mixing pills that now she knew she had people who would care and inquire after her, meaning some of us at the mtg. it was touching to see someone shed their emotion, shed years of darkness and start to come out of their shell.

i gottta go do music cue sheets, hellaciously borring (for work), but at least it's like noodling my brain and getting some rest.

ps. i'm still trying to persuade this fella from london to dress up as a woman for a photo series and he's all veclempt. i realize i'm being selfish only wanting to use him for the pix and not actually want to hang out w/ him. i guess it's just the space ij'm in. but at least i'm honest that i'm selfish. i don't think i'll try to hide it anylonger w/ good intentions. i think people can excuse an honest selfish person easier than a bullshiting one.

cheers, l