2005-08-02 - 11:15 p.m.

so good news, i have a place to stay in tokyo.

when am i going to tokyo you say?

i have no idea. but i can't wait to get there someday. its a dream. and i met a guy who is stationed there. he's a fighter pilot. and i immediately wanted nothing to do with that save for a brief interogation i would dispense to dig up info for my team.

but he just killed me. adorable. there was mad chemistry and enjoyment. he walked me to my car and we talked for a while more. then i was claiming to be quite shy why he went in to kiss me saying we'll see how shy, he just hoovering a breath away from my lips waiting. the kiss was insane. but then he was leaning in to the car and i got uncomfortable cuz i knew my scar was peeking through, with my shirt skirting lower. i feel so much protection over this imperfection. so much hesitation.

good god i want to see this guy again. even though he bats for the other team. he's got such an incredible energy. we jelled really well. shit, i can't stop thinking about it. imagine that ineb in yet another momentary crush. i get so wrapped up in the sensation. i feel that yearning, that craving. uncontainable. i even feel like calling him and demanding to see him right now.

he didn't take my number, only gave me his. he's only here for a month and doesn't seem interested in getting together. hmmm.

in other news, my clients who had the dinner party hired a woman to serve food on top of. yes. you did just read that. apperently normal in places like vegas and tokyo. it was interesting. just laying there nearly naked with chips down her legs and a bowl of gaucamole on her stomache. strange. the objectification. women who do this earn 150 an hour.

shit i nearly can not resist calling this man. jezuz. okay maybe i'll text him and say...you aren't leaving till you help me get through my shyness. :*)
aaa horrible.