2004-08-13 - 12:51 a.m.

read the last.

i'm up late listening to alan watts. i like that dood. he's all buddha-wack.

things are well. it was a very long day working. tomorrow should be a real adventure. i'm learning a lot so far with this designer. she pulls in one million in sales a year.


she's also a stress case. she spent an hour screaming at her rep today. lots of f-bombs dropped.

i had a great therapy session

* as * if * you * care *

"as if"

so 80's.

i'm definately going to quit, in fact, i don't even think i can wait till september. i'm iching now to be DONE and never see that whole scene again.

i'm all over going to nyc for the rnc.

:*) i have absolutely nothing to say. i've just spent two hours fucking with photoshop to figure out the most simple things to make biz cards for tomorrow!! yar. and a har har.
