2001-04-03 - 5:37 p.m.

tip of the day: life can get very borring, and if it does imagine all the people in your life (at work, school) are naked. really get into what kind of underwear that person would have on, etc. Then if you really want to get advanced, make up whole stories about their lives, their sorted special habits....

let's just list things i don't like right now:

1. this extrodinarily obnoxious accountants assistant who still acts like she is in some pearl toting sorority. she has the most slicing voice and she's constantly on very loud person calls bitching about trying to get pregnant. once i went busting out of the bathroom and opened the door too fasst on her and she gave me the snarl and growl of a lifetime. all she does in her office is watch tv ALL FUCKING DAY LONG and read the paper. i hate her, it got to loud so i whispered through her bitching personal call that i needed to shut her door. and she angrily walked up and slammed it back open. hehe. praise the lord she's a bitch. and i do want to devote energy in despizing her. i was waiting for a friend to pick me up for lunch in front and this large man old man with a broken jag was staring at me. how lovely to see her run out to him with her raggedy blond hair. this is too much? this is her HUSBAND? fodder. i want to say, was that your husband? ooo he's seems so old. i hope she noticed how much he still stared at me as she arrived.

2. decisions and the fact that i have such a hard time making them. what to have for lunch, which move i want to make in my 'career'. i still feel like i am pretendign to have a career and that i'm lying and it's all not very real.

3. this office and the way that the insiduous and obvious unhappiness of its dwellers slowly burns into my normally cheerful fuckin self and leaves me charred and sooty.

4. the fact that lizard and i still haven't talked and i don't want to talk to her first. yes i can be that immature.

5. local news and all newscasters.

things i like today..

1. my apartment is clean.

2. my car works

3. i am healthy

4 i have enough food and money and gas in my ccar.

5. i will be taking friday off so it is a short week.

6. i have started a new book on cd, toni's "jazz".

7. insanity in my city can be delicious.

8. that i haven't used stinky, that i told my 'x' no means no no no.

cheers, mc